This crunch variation is popular because it challenges your balance and coordination while targeting your mid-abs, lower abs and obliques, all at once.
Start lying flat on your back.
Contract your lower abs so you raise your legs a few inches off the ground.
Twist your torso and bend your left knee, while crossing your right elbow across your body, reaching toward the opposite (left) knee.
Now switch, twisting to the other side so that your left elbow reaches toward your right knee. Keep alternating sides for one minute.
Reverse Crunch
Start on your back with your legs straight up in the air at a 90-degree angle. Place your arms alongside your body with your palms facing down.
Exhale as you contract your lower abdominal muscles to lift your butt and lower back off the ground. Inhale as you release back to the starting position. Continue for one minute.
Lie flat on the floor with your arms above you head, forming a straight line with your body.
Slowly lift your feet toward the ceiling, keeping them together and perfectly straight.
At the same time, lift your arms toward the ceiling.
Your upper body will naturally raise up as your arms do.
Using just your abdominal muscles, pull yourself like this until you form a “V.”
Hold for five seconds and then repeat the cycle for one minute.
Stability Ball Crunch
Choose a stability ball that allows your knees to rest at a 90-degree angle. Support the middle of your back on the ball so that your head, neck and shoulders are hanging off.
Contract your abs and curl up off the ball so that you’re almost sitting up straight.
Lower back down slowly. Continue crunching for a minute.
Side Stability Ball Crunch
Similar to the last move, choose a stability ball that allows your knees to rest at a 90-degree angle. Support the middle of your back on the ball so that your head, neck and shoulders are hanging off.
Contract your abs and curl up off the ball so that you’re almost sitting up straight, this time turning towards one side to engage your obliques. Lower back down slowly and repeat on the other side. Perform this move for one minute.