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Building Lean Muscle

Building Lean Muscle

This practice is designed to help you build lean mass by focusing on major muscle building exercises and super-sets. Gaining lean muscle is very challenging and it important for you to maintain the intensity through the entire practice and perform the designated sets/reps to prevent muscle loss or packing on too much muscle. It  is designed specifically for fat-loss and building your desired  muscle body. It is a Monday/Wednesday/Friday training split with each day of the week split between upper and lower body exercises. On the lower body days, compound exercises are focused upon to stimulate the body in releasing growth hormone to maintain strength while dieting. Growth hormone will also allow for muscle growth and enhanced fat loss to get that desired cut and lean look.  When you start the routine you will start on Week 1 - Upper Body on Monday and continue with Week 1- Lower Body, etc... As you reach Week 2 and finish week 2, you will return right back into Week 1 until you have reached your desired lean/cut results.

** Abs are done twice a week on any workout day during the routine week that you are performing. If you are doing cardio on that day, do ab exercises before cardio.

Building Lean Muscle

Frequency: Monday/Wednesday/Friday

2023-05-20 20:00:20

Diet is as important to this routine as performing each exercise with as much intensity as possible. For an individual to see results from this routine that they are doing, it is necessary to eat a clean and healthy diet to enhance results. With a cutting routine it is necessary to take twice the amount of protein in as you are taking in carbohydrates. It is also important to have one carb loading day throughout the week to confuse the body, thus stimulating metabolism and fat loss. Cardio can be performed in the beginning of the workout (except on days that you are doing lower body) but is more preferable to do your cardio at the end of your workouts.

On days you aren't working out you can also perform about 45 to 60 minutes worth of cardio to continue the fat-burning process and keep your body's metabolism stimulated.

*** Note : Make sure that you log and track your diet to maintain proper calorie, carbohydrate and protein intake, this will help attain desired results.

By performing your cardio in the beginning of the routine and early in the morning (before eating) your body will use any stored fat as fuel rather than any carbs/food that you eat throughout the day. If cardio becomes to easy at the pace you are going, increase the speed or incline of the treadmill. You can also perform HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) which you perform about 2 - 3 minutes of cardio at high interval/speed and then 1 - 2 minutes of steady walking/slow interval speeds. This HIIT cardio style enhances calorie and fat burning within the body.

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